In the upper right-hand navigation, there are three tabs allowing users to make changes to their account. These are:

  • Invitations
  • Account Properties
  • Users and Permissions

Additionally, the navigation drop-down menu offers the option to switch between light and dark mode, as well as the ability to sign out.


Invitations from account admins or WTIT admins inviting you to an account can be viewed under invitations. You will also see invitations sent to you when account admins or WTIT admins make significant changes to your permissions to an account.

In invitations, under the actions column on the right side of the screen, accept the invitation by clicking the green button, decline by clicking the red button, or view details of the account and permission by clicking the gray button.

For more information on invitations, visit Sending and Accepting Invitations.

Account Properties

Under account properties, users can view information associated with the account and account level configuration.

For more information visit Accounts.

Users and Permissions

Under users and permissions, users can view all users in an account and their associated roles. Admins can edit users or remove users from the account under the actions tab on the right side of the screen.

Day/night mode

For users who prefer dark mode, easily toggle it by selecting the button shown below.

Enabling or disabling night