DescriptionDefault StatusDefault Urgency
A blade has failed - offline.disabledhigh
A blade lost power. The blade may be pulled outenabledhigh
Action must be taken immediately for the system to work properly.enabledhigh
A DOS attack start was detected.disabledlow
A DOS attack stop was detected.disabledlow
An external interface link status changed.enabledhigh
An internal interface link is down. This is for L1 and L2. These are internal links within the box connecting the CPU and Switch subsystems, which should never lose link. If they do, it indicates a serious problem.enabledhigh
A node has exceeded the allowed rate.disabledhigh
A node is detected DOWN.disabledhigh
AOM reports the air temperature near the host CPU too high.enabledlow
A pool member has exceeded the allowed rate.disabledhigh
A pool member is detected DOWN.disabledhigh
A pool member is detected UP.disabledhigh
A traffic group is being activated on the system.enabledhigh
A traffic group is being deactivated on the system.enabledhigh
A traffic group is going into active mode on the system.enabledhigh
A traffic group is going into forced offline mode on the system.enabledhigh
A traffic group is going into offline mode on the system.enabledhigh
A traffic group is going into standby mode on the system.enabledhigh
A VCMP guest heartbeat is detected or regained.enabledhigh
A VCMP guest heartbeat is lost.enabledhigh
A VCMP guest is powered off.enabledhigh
A VCMP guest is powered on from a suspended or powered off state.disabledhigh
A virtual has become available.disabledhigh
A virtual has become disabled.disabledhigh
A virtual has become enabled.disabledhigh
A virtual has become unavailable.disabledhigh
A virtual has exceeded the allowed rate.disabledhigh
A high availability feature is now responding.disabledhigh
A high availability feature triggered action failed.enabledhigh
AVR alert metric state changed - notification for SNMP.disabledhigh
Blade hardware sensor indicated critical alarm.enabledhigh
Blade is about to be powered off.enabledhigh
Blade temperature is too high.enabledlow
Chassis fan status is bad.enabledhigh
Chassis fan tray is bad or removed.enabledhigh
Chassis power supply status is bad.enabledhigh
Chassis temperature is too high.enabledlow
CPU fan speed is too low.enabledlow
CPU fan speed signal not received.enabledlow
CPU temperature is too high.enabledlow
Current is too high.enabledlow
Current is too low.enabledlow
Disk failure in a RAID disk array.enabledhigh
Disk sled was removed from a bay.enabledhigh
Encountered error in the FIPS card operation.enabledhigh
Fan speed is too low.enabledlow
In failover condition, this standby will not be able to go active.enabledhigh
Milli-Voltage is too high.enabledlow
Milli-Voltage is too low.enabledlow
Power is too high.enabledlow
Power is too low.enabledlow
Power supply unit has powered off.enabledhigh
Power supply unit has powered on.enabledhigh
Power supply unit is absent.disabledhigh
SSD disk wear-out indicator has reached its threshold.enabledhigh
SSD disk wear-out indicator is near its threshold.enabledlow
SSD logical disk was removed.enabledhigh
SSD physical disk was removed.enabledhigh
Temperature is too high.enabledlow
An indication that the agent has been restarted.enabledlow
An indication that the agent has started running.enabledlow
An indication that the agent is in the process of being shut down.enabledlow
The aggressive reaper state changed. Aggressive reaper state changes indicate the system is moving into distress-mode for DOS prevention.disabledhigh
The cluster daemon failed to respond for 10 or more seconds.enabledhigh
The compression license limit is exceeded.enabledlow
The disk partition exceeds the specified growth limit. By default, the limit is set to 5% of the total disk space. The growth is difference of two consecutive monitoring data.disabledhigh
The disk partition free space is very limited, which is less than a specified limit. By default, the limit is set to 30% of total disk space.disabledhigh
The DNS cache object received unsolicited query replies exceeding a configured threshold.disabledhigh
The DNS Services request rate limiter has been engaged.enabledlow
The license has expired.enabledhigh
The license validation failed.disabledhigh
The login/sshd authentication has failed.enabledhigh
The packets are rejected.disabledhigh
The primary blade has been changed in the cluster system.disabledhigh
There is a high priority software update available.disabledhigh
There is an ARP conflict.enabledhigh
There was an error checking for updates.disabledhigh
The SSL license limits are exceeded, either for TPS (Transactions Per Second) or for MPS (Megabits Per Second).enabledlow
The system has some error conditions.enabledlow
The system is experiencing some warning conditions.enabledlow
The system is going into active-active mode.enabledhigh
The system is going into active mode.enabledhigh
The system is going into standby mode.enabledhigh
The system is in a critical condition.enabledhigh
The system is in an unusable situation.enabledhigh
The system is shutting down.enabledlow
The TMM has run out of source ports and cannot open new communications channels with other machines.enabledhigh
Too many authentication failures (> 60) in 1 second to TMM (Traffic Management Module).disabledhigh
Unable to connect to the F5 Update Check server.disabledhigh
Voltage is too high.enabledlow
Voltage is too low.enabledlow
SNMP traps have timed outenabledhigh
A non-F5 pluggable optical transceiver has been disabled in an interface. See SOL8153 for restrictions on third-party hardware components with F5 products.disabledhigh
A non-F5 pluggable optical transceiver is present in an interface. See SOL8153 for restrictions on third-party hardware components with F5 products.disabledhigh
AOM has issued a critical event.enabledhigh
AOM has issued a fan sensor alert level event.enabledhigh
AOM has issued a fan sensor critical level event.enabledhigh
AOM has issued a fan sensor emergency level event.enabledhigh
AOM has issued a fan sensor error level event.enabledlow
AOM has issued a fan sensor information level event.enabledlow
AOM has issued a fan sensor warning level event.enabledlow
AOM has issued an alert event.enabledhigh
AOM has issued an emergency event.enabledhigh
AOM has issued an error event.enabledlow
AOM has issued an information event.enabledlow
AOM has issued a power sensor alert level event.enabledhigh
AOM has issued a power sensor critical level event.enabledhigh
AOM has issued a power sensor emergency level event.enabledhigh
AOM has issued a power sensor error level event.enabledlow
AOM has issued a power sensor information level event.enabledlow
AOM has issued a power sensor warning level event.enabledlow
AOM has issued a temperature sensor alert level event.enabledhigh
AOM has issued a temperature sensor critical level event.enabledhigh
AOM has issued a temperature sensor emergency level event.enabledhigh
AOM has issued a temperature sensor error level event.enabledlow
AOM has issued a temperature sensor information level event.enabledlow
AOM has issued a temperature sensor warning level event.enabledlow
AOM has issued a warning event.enabledlow
APM HA state transitioned.disabledhigh
A traffic group has reported a failover condition and will not be able to go active.enabledhigh
AVR alert metric state changed - notification for SMTP (based on SNMP).disabledhigh
Chassis is inadequately powered.enabledhigh
DBDaemon unresponsive, shut down.enabledhigh
Failover condition for a traffic group has been cleared.enabledhigh
Global access license usage exceeds threshold.enabledhigh
Global concurrent connectivity license usage exceeds threshold.enabledhigh
Global URL filtering license usage exceeds threshold.enabledhigh
Global URL filtering limited license usage exceeds threshold.enabledhigh
Hung SQL monitor connection.enabledhigh
The configuration was loaded.disabledhigh
The Digital Diagnostic Monitoring on a pluggable optical transceiver detected an alarm condition.enabledhigh
The Digital Diagnostic Monitoring on a pluggable optical transceiver detected a warning condition.enabledhigh
The Digital Diagnostic Monitoring on a pluggable optical transceiver no longer detects an alarm condition. DDM monitors both transmit and receive optical power to ensure the laser power is between vendor-specified power thresholds.enabledhigh
The Digital Diagnostic Monitoring on a pluggable optical transceiver no longer detects a warning condition. DDM monitors both transmit and receive optical power to ensure the laser power is between vendor-specified power thresholds.enabledhigh
The FIPS card is currently in faulty state.enabledhigh
The hard disk is failing.enabledhigh
An ospf event has occurredenabledlow
Certificate with lifecycle management options configured is going to expire within a week.enabledlow
Power supply unit is unidentified.enabledhigh
An IPSEC Tunnel has come down.disabledhigh
An IPSEC Tunnel has come up.disabledhigh
Peer health has changed.enabledlow
The peer incoming ratelimit has changed.enabledlow
The peer outgoing ratelimit has changedenabledlow
A DOS attack has been triggered for over 5 minutes.enabledhigh
Peer health has changed due to peer delay.enabledlow
Peer health has changed due to error responses.enabledhigh
Peer health has changed due to peer timeouts.enabledhigh
Peer connection state has changed: Disconnected.enabledhigh
SCTP active path is down.enabledhigh
SCTP path is restored.enabledhigh
An bgp event has occurredenabledlow
Georedundancy status is offlineenabledhigh
Georedundancy status is connectedenabledhigh
Georedundancy status is reloadReceivingenabledhigh
Georedundancy status is reload sendingenabledhigh
Georedundancy watchdog is aliveenabledhigh
Georedundancy watchdog is expiredenabledhigh
The FIPS device has overheated and is currently above 80 degrees Celsius.enabledhigh
The FIPS device temperature has exceeded 85 degrees Celsius.enabledhigh
The FIPS device temperature has fallen back to below 80 degrees Celsius.enabledhigh
An interface has gone downenabledhigh
An interface has come upenabledhigh
SNMP agent restarted and its configuration may have been alteredenabledhigh
An interface link status changed. DOWN or DISABLED.enabledhigh
An interface link status changed. UP.enabledhigh
Services have restartedenabledhigh
An Authentication Failure Has Occurreddisabledhigh
Peer time exceeds threshold (WTIT Custom Trap)enabledlow