When looking to change the Backup scheduling, it is configured at the Device Group level. Select “Device Groups” from the left-hand menu and then select “Schedules” from the desired Device Group’s actions.

Additionally, this feature can be accessed by selecting the schedules tab from the left-hand navigation.

Inside of the scheduler, backups can be provisioned for Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly backups.

If using the schedules tab, make sure to select the Device Group in the top-right corner that needs to be updated.

Start Time

The ‘Start’ time is the time of day (GMT) when the backup will occur. The default in 12:00 AM GMT time.

Make note that:

  • Daily backups occur daily, Monday – Saturday*
  • Weekly backups occur Sundays*
  • Monthly backups occur on the first day of every month*
  • Quarterly backups occur the first day of January, April, July, October*
  • Yearly backups occur the first day of January*
    *Remember that these execute at the GMT time configured, and the day/date this is executed is the GMT day/date.

A higher order backup will trump a lower order backup in the event of a conflict. For example, if a Monthly backup and Weekly end up being scheduled at the same time, the Monthly will be taken, the Weekly will not.


The “Filepath” option allows you to override the default backup destination configured from the Agent. Here you can elect to push the file to an alternate local filepath or cloud service blob store (advanced option, please discuss with WTIT engineering.)
For an alternate local filepath, you would select “Local” and the new filepath:


The “Count” option allows you to specify the number of saved versions of the backups stored for that type of backup, when file rotation is enabled.
Defaults are:

  • Daily: 6
  • Weekly: 4
  • Monthly: 3
  • Quarterly: 3
  • Yearly: 3


The “Min.MB” option allows you to specify the amount of space the Cloud.Red Agent will require to be available on the BIGIP’s /var partition before executing. If this amount of space is not available on the BIGIP’s /var partition, creation of the backup will be skipped.


The “disabled” option allows for you to stop automatic backups for any particular category. This may also be accomplished by setting the Min.MB to 0.