To make the best use of these documents, you must already have access to Cloud.Red, have worked with WorldTech IT to onboard your managed hosts, and have a basic understanding of navigating the Cloud.Red portal.

Further ā€“ various functions highlighted in these documents will require elevated roles to execute. For example ā€“ you may need Edit or Admin rights on the Account, Agents, or Device Groups to execute. If you do not have the necessary rights to execute a required function, please consult your client administrator.

Cloud.Red Remote Access can be easily configured from the GUI, in accordance with your permissions, for Account, Agents, and Device Groups.

Account Controls:

To access the account controls:

  1. Click on the upper-right-hand navigation icon
  2. Select ā€œaccount propertiesā€

You will see controls for Remote Management, SSO, and File Transfer. If you make any changes, click the ā€œupdateā€ button to save your changes.

Note: Consult the ā€œRemote Access Controlsā€ section for information on defaults.

Account Permissions

To access account permissions:

  1. Click on the upper-right-hand navigation icon.
  2. Select ā€œUsers & Permissionsā€.

Here, you can see a list of users for the account and modify usersā€™ permissions based on your own permissions.

Please note: Users who have not yet accepted their invitation to the account will not appear.

To configure remote access for an agent:

  1. From the left menu pane, select ā€œAgentsā€.
  2. In the Agents List, click on the actions icon next to the agentā€™s name and select ā€œRemote Managementā€.

A dialog window will pop up with controls for Remote Management, SSO, and File Transfer.

Note: For changes to save make sure to click the update button Note: Consult the ā€œRemote Access Controlsā€ section for information on defaults.

Device Group Permissions

To configure permissions for a device group:

  1. From the left menu pane, select ā€œDevice Groupsā€.
  2. In the Agents List, click on the menu icon next to the device groupā€™s name and select ā€œPermissionsā€.

You will see a list of users for the agent and can modify usersā€™ permissions as allowed by your own permissions.

Please note: Users who have not yet accepted their invitation to the account will not appear.